Art at Green Woods Charter School
Through an ever-changing series of open-ended art projects Green Woods students begin to develop self-confidence in their ability to express their thoughts and feelings about themselves and the world around them. Projects become increasingly more complex, more challenging, and more time-consuming as the students move up in grade level. Art projects are used to support the development of creative thinking and problem solving, while striving to enhance the award-winning, academic curriculum that Green Woods is known for. Fourth through eighth graders are fortunate enough to experience art in two hour blocks of time, which makes it possible for students to create exquisite works, requiring great focus and skill.
In the younger grades, our projects will often derive from the sharing of wonderful children's literature. Beautiful picture books will gently guide us through learning about shape, line, color, texture, and other elements of design. Weather permitting, we enjoy spending time honing our observational skills by drawing leaves, trees, and

The Fourth graders learn to weave and make clay pots, as the Leni Lenape tribe did in their settlements along the Delaware River many years ago. This watershed year is enhanced by the annual 4th grade trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to participate in a program called Art Speaks, specifically designed to introduce young children to the wonders of art. They also create entries for the city's clean water contest, and the Junior Duck Stamp competition. This year, the students are also creating soft sculpture fanciful fish. Each year, third graders enrich their study of birds through various 2 and 3-dimensional projects, both whimsical and reflective. They investigate the structure of leaves up close as fall descends, and find inspiration in the myriad shapes and colors that these delicate objects take. As 3rd graders venture into the realm of planets and the universe, we invite them to imagine what aliens might look like as they create their own sewn creatures of the extraterrestrial sort.

I hope you'll come and visit and volunteer your time in the art room, if possible. No art talent or previous experience is necessary. We are so happy to share this creative time with you.