MTSS: Multi-Tiered System of Support
Our multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) is a proactive and preventative framework that integrates data and instruction to maximize student achievement and support students’ social-emotional needs. MTSS offers a framework for educators to engage in data-based decision making related to program improvement, high-quality instruction and intervention, social and emotional learning, and positive behavioral supports necessary to ensure positive outcomes for students. The MTSS framework is comprised of four essential components: screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision making. It is important to note that students who do not respond to Tier III interventions and supports may be recommended for a multi-disciplinary evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services.
At Green Woods, three buckets live under our MTSS framework:
- Academic Intervention
- Tier II/Tier III Support
- Social-Emotional Intervention
- Referral-based Support
- Child Study Team
- Referral-based Support
If a student is in need of Tier III Academic support, student progress is monitored and results are used to make decisions about further instruction and intervention. Families will hear directly from a member of the MTSS Team if their student would benefit from this type of support.
If a student is exhibiting Academic needs and does not already qualify for Tier III support, they may be referred to the Child Study Team to receive a Support Plan. Students may also be referred to the Child Study Team for Social-Emotional needs.