About Us » Equity Statement

Equity Statement

Opening Statement

We believe that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are essential to achieving our mission at GWCS. We strive to foster our students’ keen understanding of their interdependence of and our impact on our local and global existence. As an anti-racist and anti-oppressive school, we are working to eliminate the inequities in academic achievement, cultivate classrooms where every student is supported, and nurture a diverse organization where students, staff, and families are valued. Our diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) work is ongoing because bias and prejudice are ever changing.


Recognizing Differences

At GWCS, we recognize the fact that differences among us exist. There are many kinds: differences of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background; differences of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression. There are differences in religious belief and political affiliation; in physical and cognitive ability; in learning style and life experience; family structure and more. Our differences shape our world and our experience of it. They are a part of who we are as people, part of our histories, and part of our future together.

Thinking Critically

At GWCS, we value diversity, which means we ask questions, think critically about our assumptions, acknowledge a range of perspectives, and act on what we learn from one another. 

In valuing diversity, we keep these questions in mind: 

  • Is what we are doing inclusive? 
  • Is it respectful? 
  • Does it value and lift up traditionally marginalized voices and experiences?
  • Does it lead, in some way large or small, to a more peaceful and equitable world?


Finally, at GWCS, we have a commitment to building a community whose diversity is an integral part of all aspects of our growth. In learning, teaching, and play, we seek to understand and celebrate our differences. We are dedicated to providing the resources and support necessary to encourage the fullest participation of every person in our school’s community. 


Educational equity is a shared commitment to ensure that every student gets what they need to be successful. GWCS believes that all students, regardless of background or identity, must be given meaningful and engaging learning opportunities and given the tools to thrive. We work to change practices, structures, and policies to reach educational equity for all children. As we do so, we actively examine our roles in upholding inequitable systems.

Inclusion & Belonging

We put diversity into action and achieve educational equity when we are inclusive. We strive to create a school where every student and staff member is affirmed, respected, and all community members experience safety and belonging.