Green Woods Foundation for Environmental Education
About Us
The Green Woods Foundation for Environmental Education's is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, whose sole purpose is to support the mission of Green Woods Charter School -to nurture our students as knowledgeable and conscientious investigators by fostering a keen understanding of their interdependence of and our impact on our local and global existence; creating active young stewards of the natural world.
Meet the Board of Trustees
Danielle Giangreco-President
Eschelle Jackson-Vice President
Ways to Give
Educational Improvement Tax Credit
Through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, a business of any size can redirect its tax liability to an eligible Educational Improvement Organization (EIO), like Green Woods Charter School. In turn, we are able to provide a modern day education to our students, and you get up to 90% of that donated amount credited against your corporate state taxes. EITC dollars are used to support the outdoor learning spaces and field study programs that give students the opportunity to become immersed in learning outside of a traditional classroom.
EITC-EIO tax credits are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no minimum to participate and businesses can receive up to $750,000 in tax credits annually. For a comprehensive list of PA taxes that EITC-EIO credits can be applied against, please click here to visit the Department of Community and Economic Development website.
If you have questions or want to learn more about EITC-EIO please view our brochure linked here and contact:
Nicole Gofman, Director of Development [email protected]
Nicole Gofman, Director of Development [email protected]
By Check
Donations can be made via check payable to Green Woods Foundation for Environmental Education
Mail to:
Green Woods Charter School-GWFEE
468 Domino Lane
Philadelphia PA 19128