Special Education » Special Education

Special Education

At Green Woods Charter School, our goal is to assure that every student receives the best education. This means that identified students receive the individualized support including the attention, resources, and services they need for success. We are committed to working in partnership with families, grade-level teachers, instructional support teachers, and related service providers to make that happen.
Our special education staff is dedicated to supporting students with IEPs within the general education curriculum whenever possible. In elementary school, we offer small group pull-out instruction and/or push-in services within the classroom. In middle school, in addition to pull-out and push-in services, we offer supplemental classes which are taught in a small-group setting where students receive all of their reading and/math instruction from a special education teacher. No matter the level of support needed, Green Woods provides an integrated academic and social experience which allows our students to thrive.
No student is denied admission to our school because he/she/they is in need of special education services. All Federal and State laws, regulations, and procedures related to the education of students with disabilities are strictly followed.”